New Ida Rupp App Coming Soon!
The Ida Rupp Public Library is upgrading its mobile app to make accessing the library, online, even easier. Our new app will not be available for several months as we are working on improving mobile experience.
The upgrades include the following:
A digital library card that will always be available on your phone.
The ability to search for events and add them to your Apple or Google calendar.
Account notifications for holds, card expiration, and fines.
iBeacon technology. iBeacons are low energy Bluetooth broadcasting devices. You can opt-in to receive general messages, event information, and circulation notices on your phone when visiting the library.
In the meantime, we do have several apps available for you to download now:
The Bookmyne app is available for simple account management. You can place holds, renew items, and download electronic resources.
Overdrive allows you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and stream video.
Hoopla gives you access to ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, comic books, and TV shows.
Zinio provides magazines issues that you can keep.