Birdwatching kit at Ida Rupp 🐦
The Biggest Week in Birding is coming up starting on May 3. If you're new to birding and want to try it out, stop into Ida Rupp and pick...

Let's Dish - April 2024
If you've talked to me in the library, you know that I am a huge fan of movies and TV. Something else I'm very passionate about (and need...

Alana's Old Favorites and New Discoveries - April 2024
Hi all! I’m Alana, and I’m the Adult Programs Coordinator for Ida Rupp Library. My blog posts will consist of older favorites and...

The Island House - Linda Higgins
One of the loveliest historic buildings in Port Clinton, the Island House has had many lives. The first Island House was located at the...

Corvid's Corner - Vessel 🎶💽
Vessel by Twenty-One Pilots: Welcome to Corvid’s Corner! This is a place for me to geek out about whatever video game I’m playing or...

Places on the Peninsula - Lorrie Halblaub
The Story of Johnson’s Island-Part I Johnson’s Island is the only island in Sandusky Bay. Today it is part the Village of Marblehead in...